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New dairy industry awards a kick start into farm ownership

Two new NZ Dairy Industry Awards come with loans of $1 million locked in at a low interest rate for three years

NZDIA General Manager Robin Congdon

Two new award categories now open in the New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards (NZDIA) are designed to kick start farmers into a first farm.

The Fonterra and ASB First Farm Award (FFA) will see three winners each receiving an ASB loan of up to $1 million, at one per cent per annum for three years, and a Fonterra package that includes $20,000 of Farm Source credit.

The award is open to farmers who have previously entered the Share Farmer of the Year category and are planning to buy their first farm within the next 24 months.

A second initiative, the ASB Alumni of the Year Award (AAOTY) will reward those who have contributed significantly to the NZDIA programme and the industry.

It is open to entrants from the past seven years who are no longer eligible to enter the Dairy Manager or Share Farmer of the Year categories, are not yet ready to purchase their first farm, or already own one.

The winner will also receive a loan of up to $1 million from ASB at one per cent per annum for three years.

The addition of these new categories meant the Dairy Industry Awards continued to provide clear pathways for progression within the industry, said Robin Congdon, NZDIA General Manager.

Winners will be announced at the National Awards in May along with those in the Share Farmer of the Year, Dairy Manager of the Year, Dairy Trainee of the Year and Fonterra Responsible Dairying Award categories.

Entry to both awards along with full conditions of entry and judging criteria are available at

