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Hard at work on cinema project

A very challenging journey, but cinema couple determined to get the project done.

Starlight Cinema Taupo 1960
The Starlight Cinema on its gala opening on Monday, November 14, 1960. According to the paper the event was marked with ‘impressive performances by the Māori Youth Club and the Taupo Citizens Silver Band.’ The screening was 'For the Love of Mike.'

The couple behind a replacement cinema up in Taupō, are keen to reassure the public that things are progressing behind the scenes.

However, Charlie and Tamasin Prince said this week they couldn’t make any definite announcements at the moment, as some aspects were still in the planning stages or under negotiation.

The public interest was always appreciated though, said Tamasin.

“It’s so sweet, the support that we get from this town is incredible,” she said.

While she knew cinema buffs were keen for updates, she was also aware that a whisper here or word there could sometimes get amplified into the realms of movie fantasy.

“One thing’s for sure, nothing about this process has been easy,” she said. Adding that she had looked at every building in this town and knew the ceiling height of every one, gaining a store of information she never thought she would ever know.

In that sense the experience of establishing a cinema had added to her general knowledge, said Tamasin, though she was unsure where else she would ever be able to use it.

“It’s been a very challenging journey, but we will get it done.”

She jested she might run an info booth on ceiling heights on the cinema’s opening night.

“Come to the movies and I will tell you whatever you want to know,” she joked, reiterating that the couple would make sure the public heard what was going to happen when it was going to happen, 100 per cent.

The Starlight Cinema closed on February 29, 2024, after more than 40 years in operation, as the building housing it was scheduled for demolition.

